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A leader in the discipline
The Department of Political Science at the University of Iowa is a leader in the discipline, in the state of Iowa, and within the university community. Its faculty include distinguished scholars in all the main fields of Political Science, and its course offerings are correspondingly broad. Whether the topic is Iowa politics, the U.S. government, the governments of myriad foreign countries, or the international system, Iowa students have access to acknowledged experts in their field. These scholars are frequently called upon to interpret political developments for the media, to address community groups, and to advise government bodies.
A hallmark of the department is its tradition of collaboration between faculty and students. Undergraduate as well as graduate students enjoy countless opportunities to learn by doing. New classroom technologies are enhancing the possibilities for collaboration. With the department housed in Schaeffer Hall on the Pentacrest, Political Science students and faculty enjoy classrooms with up-to-date audio and video technology, access to the STF Collaboratory, and a variety of other resources that enhance learning.
Undergraduate study at Iowa is a gateway to a multitude of exciting careers: past students have held the Governorship of Iowa, have served or currently serve in the Iowa legislature, and hold top-level positions in the federal government. Recipients of Iowa Ph.D. degrees join the ranks of the most prominent scholars in the discipline; a recent study revealed that this department ranks seventh in the nation for the research productivity of its Ph.D. recipients. View some of the accomplishments of our distinguished alumni.
Outstanding achievement
Our Ph.D.'s ranked third among graduates of all doctoral programs for the number of publications per capita in five of the discipline’s leading journals.
Top 100
Political Science Program in the US (USNWR 2021)

Something for everyone
As home to a large public university with exceptional programs in the arts and sciences, Iowa City features a vibrant intellectual and cultural scene. Lectures by guest scholars of international importance, as well as a wide selection of weekly "in house" colloquiums, nightly live music in local clubs, as well as concerts by internationally recognized orchestras, readings by local authors in independent bookstores and displays by local artists at galleries all underscore the fact that Iowa City has something for everyone.

Top 10
College Towns according to

of "America's 25 brainiest Metros" according to The Atlantic