Ashley Vanorny
Councilmember Ashley Vanorny is a lifelong Cedar Rapidian, who learned the value of hard work by helping on her family’s Century farm. She attended local public schools in Cedar Rapids including Grant, Wilson, and graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School. She enjoys time with her dog, Lady Vanorny.
In 2017 she became the second youngest Councilmember to serve Iowa’s second largest city, Cedar Rapids. Currently she serves on the Development Committee, Public Safety and Youth Services Committee, Safe, Equitable, and Thriving (S.E.T.) Grant Committee, Area Ambulance Board of Directors, and is a Corridor Municipal Policy Organization member.
Ms. Vanorny graduated from Kirkwood Community College (2012) with an A.S., having studied Criminal Justice. From the University of Iowa she earned a B.S. in Psychology (2014) with an emphasis on Neuroscience and a B.A. in Political Science (2014) with an emphasis in International Relations and American Institutions. She is completing her Master's Degree in Healthcare Administration (MHA) from Des Moines University.
She has held internships with the Internet Crimes Against Children (Des Moines, IA), Office of Inspector General-Office of Investigations-Social Security Administration (Kansas City, MO), the Social Security Administration (Pathways Intern, Cedar Rapids, IA), and Congressman Dave Loebsack (Iowa City, IA). Ms. Vanorny currently works in healthcare administration.
Ms. Vanorny remains active in the community through non-profit work particularly regarding children in foster care. She serves on the Foster Care Review Board, is a sustainer with Junior League of Cedar Rapids and serves on the Linn County League of Women Voters board. She continues to serve Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Rho Chapter (Iowa) as an advisor to the Education Vice President. Ms. Vanorny is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives, a 2018 cohort of the New Leaders Council-Des Moines Chapter, and is in the Young Elected Officials Network serving as a Regional Director. Ms. Vanorny graduated from the Municipal Leadership Academy, is a Certified Elected Municipal Official, and serves on the Education Committee and the Executive Board for the Iowa League of Cities. For the National League of Cities, Ms. Vanorny serves on the Community and Economic Development Committee and as a Race, Equity, and Leadership (R.E.A.L) Council Member. She is Safe Zone certified and has served as a Kaiser Permanente Diversity Healthcare Co-facilitator through Des Moines University.