Madeline O'Brien

Teaching Assistant

Spring Drop-in Hours: TBA

POLI: 1501 Intro to American Foreign Policy 

Madeline received her B.A. in history with a minor in global studies from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, where she graduated summa cum laude. Her undergraduate thesis utilized political theory to examine the gender roles and contributions of women during one of the first documented international systems in Mesopotamia from 1200 to 1500 BC.

Her primary research interests are in comparative politics and international relations, specifically looking at former Sovietized countries and the interactions between political culture, foreign policy, identity politics, and decolonization. She is also interested in gender politics and civil society building in former Sovietized countries.

Research areas
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
photo of Madeline O'Brien
BA History, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2022
Contact Information

367 Schaeffer Hall (SH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States