Soojin Lee

Teaching Assistant

Spring Drop-in Hours: T W 1:00 - 2:30 pm

POLI 1449: Intro to European Politics 

Soojin Lee obtained an M.A. in Political Science and International Relations from Korea University. She also earned a B.A. in European Languages and Cultures with a specialization in French, as well as a B.A. in Political Science from Sogang University. Her research interest centers on international human rights norms and their impact on domestic courts. She specifically focuses on public interest lawyers and their mobilization of international norms to enhance domestic human rights.

Research areas
  • International Relations
photo of Soojin Lee
MA Political Science and International Relations, Korea University, 2023
BA European Languages and Cultures, Sogang University, 2021
BA Political Science, Sogang University, 2021
Contact Information

323 Schaeffer Hall (SH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States