Every semester, the department offers career-focused courses taught by political science alumni. This spring, Andrea Woodard (’07) lead the Political Science Alumni Mentoring Program, POLI:3701:003.
Andrea writes, "Through the Alumni Mentoring Program, I worked with seven students to identify jobs of interest utilizing their political science and related degrees. Using a series of tools, they were able to hone in on their core interests, identify and connect with mentors, hear from professionals in the field and take steps to prepare for internships and a future career. The students were engaged and well ahead of their peers in their efforts to chart a pathway into their desired field. If they had any issues at all, it was having too many interests; however, this class gave them a chance to prioritize and narrow their focus based on a SWOT analysis, gaps analysis, and through one-on-one conversations with me. The students were encouraged to use their networks and to think about how they can achieve their career goals using the education and connections they are gaining at the University of Iowa."
Thanks to alumni instructors like Andrea, we’re able to provide unique learning experiences that support students’ professional goals. This fall, alum Christopher McCullough will be teaching another semester of Introduction to Legal Writing, a course that introduces students to basic legal analysis and writing skills.